Welcome to the Great Transition
“It isn’t the changes that do you in, it’s the transitions.” -William Bridges The Great Resignation, the Great Reset, the war in Ukraine, and even runaway inflation aren’t the entire story. There is an even [...]
“It isn’t the changes that do you in, it’s the transitions.” -William Bridges The Great Resignation, the Great Reset, the war in Ukraine, and even runaway inflation aren’t the entire story. There is an even [...]
Taxi companies could have created a ride scheduling and payment app. They didn’t. There are a number of reasons why it didn’t happen, but the biggest reason was reluctance to challenge the status quo. The same goes [...]
Hope, we’ve been told, is not a plan or strategy. It is wishful thinking that cannot be measured. You can’t hold people accountable for failing to deliver on hope. Hope is, also, exactly what we [...]
The world is in the messy middle of transformational change, and it sucks. The middle of every change – under the best of circumstances – can create anxiety, frustration, and insecurity. It feels like being [...]
Disruption and change are everywhere, and you may be thinking that the old rules of business no longer apply. On top of that, the news media and at least one – and probably all – [...]
The COVID-19 virus has forced everyone into a change that isn’t a choice. This piece about how to respond when change is out of your control is excerpted from Make Change Work (Wiley, 2013). [...]
We all want things to be better in our business. But for things to be better, they have to be different. And for things to be different, they have to change. Most of the leaders [...]
Your customers, both external and internal, are asking: Why you? Why now? What makes you relevant? More important, they will ask the same question every day into the future. Remaining relevant is your biggest challenge [...]
"We think that society today suffers from a pervasive uncertainty about values, a relativism that undermines leadership and commitment alike.” This could be an observation about life in any area of contemporary society. It isn't. [...]
What does the future look like? Truthfully, even the best futurists are right less than 90 percent of the time. When you look back at predictions for the future back in the early 20th century, [...]
Let's face it. Change would be easy if not for people. Building the sense of urgency to move forward and getting buy-in for your course of action are two of the most important leadership skills [...]
The Oxford Dictionaries has selected a word of the year annually since 2004. It is a “word or expression that is judged to reflect the ethos, mood, or preoccupations of the passing year.” We’ll take another trip around the [...]
Why is digital transformation still a big deal? It has been on the radar for at least five years, and yet the majority of CEO’s are still saying that projects or transformation initiatives are underway [...]
Seeing the need to change rarely results in people, organizations, or even industries taking action unless a crisis forces them to do so. Blockbuster didn’t offer a DVD-by-mail service until Netflix posed a legitimate danger. Kodak held [...]
Taxi companies in over 50 U.S. cities utilize a ride-hailing and payment app called Curb. Using it on a recent trip left me with one lingering question: What took them so long? It’s not as [...]